Identity Disambiguation
Name Disambiguation
sair (sounds like stair, air, there, their, they’re) can be spelled like Irish name “saor.” sair has been named sair since the beginning of their days, but they adopted this name publicly in 2017 and legally in 2022 along with the gender marker ‘X’. If you know of their previously used name and gender marker, please keep that information to yourself.
götz can also be spelled goetz, and can be pronounced like “getz” or like “gurtz,” depending on how German one feels like sounding.
The artist prefers to same-case their name. ‘SAIR GOETZ’ and ‘sair goetz’ are equally acceptable, but ‘Sair Goetz’ will always make them cringe.
While they would love to claim that they were inspired by the reasons of bell hooks, sair’s initial reasoning was more aligned with— though totally ignorant of— the Bauhaus desire to simplify the experience of typesetting.
sair is, to the best of their knowledge, ~4th generation US citizen of Volga-German, Czech, and Irish decent. Their very large Catholic families assimilated into whiteness by the 1960s and, as such, have benefited through “whites-only” government grants such as the G.I. Bill.
götz has lived in Oklahoma (12 years: Oklahoma City), North Carolina (13 years: Winston-Salem, Charlotte, Durham), Ohio (3 years: Columbus), California (5 years: SF Bay Area), and Massechusettes (April 2022–present: Boston). As most of their life and all of their early life was spent in the southern United States, they identify as Southern.
Sair is neurodivergent (diagnosed ADHD) and living with chronic illness (debilitating migraines). Please accept their hyper-organization as a strategy for the former and their occasional unavailability as a symptom of the later.
Sair is trans non-binary and uses they/them pronouns. They dislike discussion of their assigned gender at birth, especially outside their presence.
Their cat, Takoma, is of unknown gender and is also assumed to use they/them pronouns, as they cannot communicate their pronoun preferences.
As a non-binary person, all sair’s relationships are queer. As they believe that non-binary folks all have (often more than one) unique genders, this technically means that all sair’s relationships are also heterosexual, as they believe it impossible to have a relationship with anyone of the same gender (homosexual). All this is very gay.
Born: 3/24/1989 in Winston-Salem, NC at 9:50pm.
Aries: Sun, Venus (Cazimi)
Scorpio: Rising, Moon, Pluto
Capricorn: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Gemini: Mars, Jupiter
Pisces: Mercury
Grand Water Trine
Year of the Snake
Coming soon: policies on gender